ChatGPT for Advanced Accounting Research: Unlock Unprecedented AI Insights – Join the Elite

Event: Live Webinar
Event Date: November 22, 2023
Presenter: Garrett Wasny
Event Time: 3 PM EST
Duration:90 Minutes


This course provides a concise overview of a groundbreaking opportunity – how to research in the AI age. Limitations of conventional search engines like Google have left professionals in search of more. Enter ChatGPT, a tool designed to redefine advanced accounting inquiries and analyses. Using a combination of hands-on training and real-world case studies, this course reveals in plain language how to navigate complex financial landscapes using AI-powered insights. Discover how to bridge the gap between traditional research and innovative technology, and become a more agile accounting researcher and confident business advisor. Join the innovative thinkers who have already made the shift. Your success awaits.

Session Highlights:

  • Discover: Uncover the hidden drawbacks of conventional online research
  • Evaluate: Assess the untapped capabilities of ChatGPT for transformative accounting research
  • Innovate: Design unique research strategies using ChatGPT
  • Apply: Leverage ChatGPT in real-world, impactful accounting scenarios
  • Create: Invent new methodologies and perspectives in accounting
  • Lead: Navigate ethical considerations in this new frontier
  • Master: Demonstrate proficiency in using ChatGPT, setting yourself apart

Learning Objectives:

  • The Untapped Potential: Unveiling the limitations of Google in Accounting Research
  • The Future is Now: Introduction to ChatGPT for Advanced Research
  • The Winning Combination: Strategic Union of ChatGPT and Google
  • Trust but Verify: Mastering Verification of Sources and Fact-Checking on ChatGPT
  • Beyond the Ordinary: Unconventional and Interdisciplinary Research Approaches
  • Ethics in Innovation: Privacy, Bias, and Ethical Considerations
  • Practical Brilliance: Applications of ChatGPT in Various Accounting Roles
  • Hot Research Topics: Tax Laws, Regulations, Accounting Standards, Industry-Specific Accounting Practices, Financial Analysis Techniques, and many more

Who Should Attend:

  • Accountants
  • Auditors
  • Financial Analysts
  • and visionaries seeking to elevate their research capabilities will thrive in this course.

Garrett Wasny

Garrett Wasny, MA, CMC, CITP/FIBP is a digital skills advisor to CPAs worldwide and a former management consultant for Price Waterhouse. As an author, he’s published three books, written hundreds of articles and columns on internet strategy for leading business publications, and developed 50+ NASBITE-accredited accounting courses. As a speaker, he’s delivered thousands of seminars and webinars to CPAs and accounting organizations over three decades on three continents.